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  1. #1
    bd25d Guest

    Default Around the Country in 30 Days!

    I plan on going around the US in the month of April. I will have just turned 21 so I am looking for hot club scenes. I also want scenic views and inspiring sites. Please help...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France


    I am looking for hot club scenes. I also want scenic views and inspiring sites
    Whew, that's pretty general! Maybe if you tell us more about yourself, we could help better!

    I don't know what you mean exactly by hot club scene since I don't know what's your thing, but personally, I think South Beach Miami beats 'em all. On the east coast, of course NYC is a must, Atlanta and Detroit if you like the hip hop scene (but be careful!). Nightlife-wise forget New England, they have nice and clean towns, great food and sceneries but even the big cities turn into semi ghost towns at night except for PTown in the summer. I've never been on the West Coast so far, but I'm sure if you head to LA, SF or Seattle you should find plenty of cool clubs. In the South, New Orleans is a great party city and if you ever go north of the border, head to Montreal some clubs are open 24/7 and the DJ's are awesome.

    Scenic views and inspiring sites...hum well I'd buy a National Parks Annual Pass for 50 bucks and visit lots of parks! If you want to spend time in each and every State and visit every single attraction, 30 days won't be enough! You can zoom from one place to another, but if I were you, I'd put my energy on a certain area and visit the rest later. You can order travel packages on the net from every State's Govt Travel Agency like this one from Nevada (if you plan to go to Vegas) and see what appeals you the most. Then take out a map, and try to draw a line between every site you want to visit to see if it's doable and logical. You can go to that site to calculate mileage and hours of driving. Then you can make adjustments.

    Happy Planning!
    Last edited by Mark Sedenquist; 08-22-2005 at 10:38 AM.

  3. #3
    bd25d Guest

    Default My scene

    I like hot music and lots of clubs. I LOVE TO DANCE!!! anyway. I am trying to find myself on this trip and to have a lot of fun. I am going down the east coast then across the south and up the west coast. Then to Vegas for some serious fun. I want scenic stuff because I am an aspiring writer and hope to get some kind of creative flare while im out. THANK YOU !!!!

  4. Default

    For the scenic part of your trip consider the Grand Canyon before Las Vegas and then Zion National Park, Bryce National Park, Scenic Hwy 12 between Bryce and Torrey, Utah, Capitol Reef National Park, Moab, Utah area which includes Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park, Scenic Hwy 128, then I-70 thru Colorado and then Rocky Mountain National Park on your way home.


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