Need some info on CB's. My family and I travel back home about once or twice a month (four hour trip one way). We can travel a major interstate two-thirds of the way, and the last third is a decent state highway. During the summer months it seems like we are constantly getting caught up in traffic due to accidents. To our dissapointment it's usually too late to go an alternate route by the time we find out. Not to mention the ice and snow in the winter is a real driving *$#%^$#@. I thought if we purchased a CB that it might be helpful, but I'm not like "commander gadget" and don't want to mount a cb radio in our SUV. Our SUV has a navigation system and Onstar, but it doesn't provide any valuable help in advance. Would a CB radio be any help with our situation? Would a handheld type work? What is the "best" make and model? Should we be looking at some other device?