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  1. #1
    Nicola & Aidan Guest

    Default Honeymoon Roadtrip across the states


    We are an irish couple who are getting married in September and want to spend 3-4 weeks travelling across America seeing all that we can see. We want to end up in California but are open to where we start. Can you give me any good suggestions. As it is our honeymoon we are not limiting ourselves with budgets we just want to take in America.


    Last edited by Mark Sedenquist; 07-04-2005 at 03:53 PM. Reason: typo

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Congratulations

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicola & Aidan
    We are an irish couple who are getting married in Spetember and want to spend 3-4 weeks travelling across america seeing all that we can see. We want to end up in California but are open to where we start. Can you give me any good suggestions. As it is our honeymoon we are not limiting ourselves with budgets we just want to take in America.
    Congratulations on the pending marriage and choice of honeymoon styles. I would choose a hub city from which you can travel some in all directions. The likely candidates could be Salt Lake City, Denver, St Louis or Chicago. If it were me, I would choose Las Vegas (because of the direct flights from the UK to Las Vegas) and then spend 3-4 weeks exploring west of the continental divide -- lots to see and do, but such a trip would miss much of the best in America. So, what "rocks your boat" -- scenic vistas, beautiful cities, fine food and shopping or?


  3. #3
    Nicola & Aidan Guest

    Default Honeymoon across the US

    Hi Mark

    Thanks for getting back to me. We were looking at Chicago more than Las Vegas, we do not want to limit ourselves to one area. We were also thinking of starting in Miami and coming via New Orleans, but don't know if there is enough to see and do that way. We are actually coming from Costa Rica as we are spending the first two weeks scuba diving. We are outdoors and experience people more than shopping. Good food and wine would also be high on the agenda.
    We would take adivce on weather to drive a SUV and stay in hotels or drive an RV alternatively as we really want to get to see as much as possible, key points would have to be the Grand Canyon, Yosemite and San Francisco. I really have very little knowledge of what in between we should not miss along the way. Also can recommend any good publications that would let me research any further.

    Alternatively we would drive from Boston via chicago and down.... any other thoughts ?

    By the way thank you, your website has been amazingly helpful to us already in helping to decide that this is what we want to do for the honeymoon.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Miami is good too

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicola & Aidan
    Thanks for getting back to me. We were looking at Chicago more than Las Vegas, we do not want to limit ourselves to one area. We were also thinking of starting in Miami and coming via New Orleans,
    You could do a pretty amazing cirucuit using Miami as your starting point. Click here for a idea of one such routing suggestion -- this was done by a couple of guys a couple of years ago and while, one hopes that your honeymoon can be done on a more leisurely pace -- there are still some good ideas in their site.
    We are outdoors and experience people more than shopping. Good food and wine would also be high on the agenda.
    OK -- that is good to know. -- When you are in Florida -- a canoe trip in the Everglades is pretty cool and you will be there at the right time of year.
    We would take adivce on weather to drive a SUV and stay in hotels or drive an RV alternatively as we really want to get to see as much as possible,
    There is a lot of discussion on this forum about this subject -- Personally, I lived and worked in a motorhome (RV) for 6.5 years while traveling all over North America and I am not sure I would recommend one for a honeymoon over that period of time. RVs are high maintenance vehicles, with very poor fuel efficiencies and the rental costs are significant. Plus, it is your honeymoon and you might wish to avail yourself of fine inns to be found in the land. But I would recommend reading some of the columns written by our RV experts: Jaimie Hall and Alice Zyetz and reading the posts made by Utahtea about RVing in America.

    Also use our fuel calculator tool to estimate your fuel costs while using a SUV.
    ...Key points would have to be the Grand Canyon, Yosemite and San Francisco. I really have very little knowledge of what in between we should not miss along the way. Also can recommend any good publications that would let me research any further.
    That I can help with -- we read and review most of the road trip literature and road guides that are worth using. Check out our recommendations here.
    By the way thank you, your website has been amazingly helpful to us already in helping to decide that this is what we want to do for the honeymoon.
    Thanks for that. We will expect a full field report on your discoveries too!


  5. #5
    mspeed Guest


    Miami is a great starting place--lots of great stuff to see (try and miss the hurricanes). The drive to New Orleans (especially off the interstates) will delight and surprise you with rural areas, cities, tourists areas, and small towns--just about anything you could imagine seeing. The gulf coast is a beautiful area with sugar white sand, loads of accomodations from sky-rise hotels, road-side motels, beach side condos, river boats, cabins on rivers. Then New Orleans and Louisiana is an entirely new and different world. GREAT food all along the way!

  6. Default Antebellum Mansions?

    Mspeed, are you a local to the New Orleans area, or at least familiar with it? If so, do you have any suggestions for the best tour of an antebellum plantation house or similar, in the Louisiana area? It's one thing I have had trouble finding specific information for on the internet. Bob

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