We did a 10,389 mile
42 day trip
In a 2003 Town & Country
Spring, 2004.
Cheapest gas $1.79, Most expensive $2.99, average $ for fuel - $25.36 per day. Average miles - 247 per day or 297 per day if you only look at the days we were driving.
Lodging - Average $52.78, lowest motel $32.16, highest $137.50 (low $ does not include campgrounds, but the average does.)
Didn't record food as a separate item but everything else (food, gifts, ice, oil changes, etc) came out to an additional $63.62 per day for a trip average of $141.76 per day.
Our Trip Across the USA
For anyone interested - I finished posting a previous trip Our 1996 trip across the USA