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Thread: Grand Canyon

  1. #1
    NDtripper05 Guest

    Default Grand Canyon

    My two best friends and I want to road trip to the Grand Canyon. We have known each other since we were children and we all three just graduated from college. We are all road trip novices and will be starting out from OHio. We plan on leaving June 13th or so. ANy advice or tips offered would be greatly appreciated, especially, interesting places to stop slash see along the way, safety tips, ways to make the time go by a bit quicker, etc.


  2. Default Just head west!

    Come west on I-70 for the trip out. From east to west, there's a myriad of things to see. Take a look at your maps, and note the items in small red print along the way! At minimum, I'd see Lincoln's home and tomb, the Gateway Arch and Westward Expansion Museum, the Eisenhower Library, birthplace and tomb (in Kansas), Rocky Mountain National Park, Zion, Bryce and Mesa Verde.

    Once you get out here, along with the magnificent & awesome Grand Canyon, check out a couple of the Utah and/or Colorado parks too. Then, head back home on I-40 and check out that route. Also, a stop in Santa Fe is great fun.

    Safety-wise, do the same things you'd do at home. Don't let your guard down -- keep your doors locked, etc. Don't tell the whole world you're traveling alone. Use your common sense and you won't invite trouble -- but relax and have fun. It'll be a Grand adventure and there's no need to worry about it.

  3. #3


    The following are worthy stops if you take I-40 from New Mexico to Flagstaff, Arizona.
    • Painted Desert and Petrified Forest Natl. Park
    • Standin' on the Corner Park in Winslow
    • wander around the La Posada in Winslow
    • Little Painted Desert (about 20 miles north of Winslow)
    • Walnut Canyon Natl. Mon. (between Flagstaff and Winslow)
    • Wupatki Natl. Mon. (north of Flagstaff)

    Flagstaff has some good places to eat and drink.

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