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Thread: Annual Pass

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France

    Default Annual Pass

    I was thinking about buying a National Parks pass this year and I have a few questions. Primo, do we need one pass per car, regardless of the number of passengers or does it work individually? Secundo, is it good for State Parks as well or any other public land that I should know about?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default It is a Personal Pass

    Quote Originally Posted by Gen
    I was thinking about buying a National Parks pass this year and I have a few questions. Primo, do we need one pass per car, regardless of the number of passengers or does it work individually? Secundo, is it good for State Parks as well or any other public land that I should know about?
    Gen, the NPS National Park pass is "owned" by the individual who purchased it. There are two signature lines on the car (a principal user and spouse). As long as one of the named card holders are in the vehicle seeking admission the park service will generally admit whoever is in the car. But the rules specify "family members."

    The National Park pass works at all Federal parks and National Recreation Areas. It will also work for Federal Conservation areas for an additional fee (usually about $15). But it does not work for state or regional parks and no tribal lands parks.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Editor
    Gen, the NPS National Park pass...
    The NPS NPS? :)

  4. Default National Park Pass

    The National Park pass is great if you are going to be going to several National Parks, National Monuments, Historical Monuments, National Recreational Areas but does not work at state parks.

    You can get the best information at the offical National Park Web Site on the Park Pass

    The "family member" part is for parks that charge a per person fee. If it's a park that charges a vehicle fee, then non family members will be admitted with the pass.

    "The National Parks Pass admits the pass owner and any accompanying passengers in a private vehicle* if a park has a per vehicle entrance fee. Where a per person entrance fee is charged, the National Parks Pass admits the pass owner, spouse, children and parents. The National Parks Pass is nontransferable and does NOT cover or reduce use fees such as charges for camping, parking, tours, and concessions."

    You can find a list of all the parks and their fees at the offical National Park Web Site.

    The park pass is good for one full year from month of purchase, but it is not transferable and many parks now want to see ID (drivers license) when you present the pass.


  5. #5
    RoadTripper Brad Guest


    It would be nice if the USFS had a slimilar pass for campgrounds. :-)

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