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  1. #1

    Default Memphis to Montgomery to New Orleans

    My boyfriend and I are planning a road trip for a bout a week around the south (we're both 25) during March. We'd like to start in Memphis, then head to Alabama, and make our way down to New Orleans. We'd love any suggestions, especially for small towns or roadside stops we might visit in between the larger cities.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default A few suggestions

    Scott Stanton is one of the most knowledgable roadtrippers I know and he wrote an article about a <a href = "">trip from Memphis to New Orleans<a/>.

    Another resource I would suggest checking out would be Tim Steil's recent book <a href = "">Highway 61 Revisited<a/>.

  3. #3
    Fred Guest

    Default Memphis to New Orleans

    Pensecola(good things to do) to New Orleans take the slow road to Gulf Shores Alabama, ferry across Mobile bay and on to Biloxi to stay in the Beau Rivage Casino. Take I-10 into New Orleans. Not much on the slow road after Biloxi.

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