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  1. #1
    imported_Lisa Guest

    Default Arizona in February with preschoolers

    Just read a thread regarding a road trip to Arizona in winter that was posted in was very helpful. But, I'm wondering if anyone has any particular recommendations for people traveling with young children.
    We will have six days and are borrowing an RV - will be starting and ending in Phoenix.
    Thank you!

  2. Default Zoos?

    Most of the things I know are suitable for older children -- I'm not sure there is much that would appeal to pre-schoolers. Phoenix has a great zoo or two -- the Phoenix Zoo (off East Van Buren Street) ( and the Wildlife World Zoo on Northern Avenue in far west valley (about 165th Ave or so) -- see We also had a wild animal park (drive through), but it recently had to move and I doubt it is open at this time. Perhaps others have some additional ideas. Bob

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default General RoadTripping with Kids

    The family road trip is a subject near and dear to most of us. We maintain a links/resource page for tips for traveling with kids and you might find some of the <a href = "">information helpful<a/>.

    The southwest desert study group near Portal, Arizona has a program for kids (or at least they did for a while).

    The <a href = "">Territorial Prison museum<a/> at Yuma is kind of fun.

    Kids seem to <a href = "">love the burros at Oatman<a/>, on the old Route 66 near Kingman.

    Likewise, there were several pre-schoolers at the <a href = "">Queen Mine<a/> we we visited back in September, 2001.

    Will keep thinking...

  4. #4
    imported_AJ Guest


    Thank you for your help!

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