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  1. #1
    Dick Guest


    Planning on leaving Sept 11 from Des Moines,Ia and traveling by way of Detroit, Mich to Halifax Nova Scotia and returning by Bar harbor Maine. Any suggestions as to special interest to see and routing to and from.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Henry Ford Musuem!

    There are plenty of posts on this forum about favorite stops along your route --- if you have time, be sure to visit the <a href = "">Henry Ford Musuem<a/> in Dearborn.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France

    Default Suggestions

    Check out the post "Round trip from Wisconsin to Maine" for suggestions.

    In the Detroit Institute of Art, you'll find a huge 4 walls artwork by Diego Riviera on the topic of automotive industry (locate the red car). It's worth the 4$ entrance fee if you're an art lover, plus it's a very nice museum to visit, lots of great artwork pieces.

    In Nova Scotia you definitly should do the Cabot Trail and visit Cape Breton.

    In Maine, if you like hiking, Mt Katahdin is worth the detour (Knife Edge) but be ready to be at the gate at 4 a.m. because I think they only allow 50 people per day. Then you could come back through the White Mountains (NH)...

    Have a great trip!


  4. #4
    Dick Guest


    Thanks for the information!

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