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  1. #1

    Default Massachusetts loop report

    Just an informational, for anyone that wants to read about it...

    Took the MA pike to 146, which is really in good shape (haven't been on it in 7 years). A nice ride right up to the RI state border;I was struck with some of the interesting roadside attractions. There is an abandoned drive-in with some cool signage that I need to photograph, in RI there is an operational drive-in as well. I was surprised, as there aren't too many left in these parts. I like the Leicester multi-screen, but 2004 is supposed to be the last year. I'll have to get my fill. Man do I Love Summer!

    We drove through Providence on 146 and onto I-195, into Fall River, MA. The first thing that greets you as you drive over the bridge is the USS Massachusetts, an impressive lady to say the least. We went down to Battleship Cove and snapped some pictures. Definitely a good place to spend a warm day. There is a large enclosed carousel and several other attractions in the area, but they were closed for the season. The wind chill was bitterly cold, so we hopped back in the car after about 10 minutes.

    We headed on to New Bedford, where we discovered Fort Taber. I haven't been able to find too much information about it, though. We drove on.

    Going along US-6 through Fairhaven, Mattapoisett, and then into Marion, we shot down to a 'residents only' beach, where I took some pictures of the frozen sea. That told me that it's been too cold this year. I asked a seagull why he (she?) didn't fly South, but it didn't answer. I drove back to US-6 until we were on the verge of going to the Cape, asked her if she wanted to go, "No, not today". We hooked up with I-495 and then headed home. Not a long trip, but traffic was sparse and it felt GREAT to get out of the house for the day.

    Usually we travel to the beach at least once in the winter, just to appreciate the Summer trips there. I reflected on the 114 degree heat index at Cape Hatteras while we stood in -10 degree windchill. It's sometimes hard to believe that the same sand that can burn one's feet is presently frozen.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default A frozen sea?


    A frozen sea -- not in the artic circle? Brrrrrrr that sounds brisk. Do you have some digital images you could share of that? Post here or send to me.

    thanks for the road trip report!


  3. #3

    Default Pics

    I'm still on film...kind of strange for a Computer Science student, I know (though they are best for night photography). I'm waiting for the perfect digital SLR. I have to finish the roll first, but I do plan on scanning a lot of my pictures from the past several years in this weekend.

    I was really surprised to sea (hah!) frozen saltwater, too. I thought I was losing my mind.

  4. #4


    Sounds cool!

    I frequent 495 and 146 as a fair number of our work sites are easily accessed by those highways.

    The Rustic Tri-View drive-in has a sordid past. Did you notice the shape of the sign that is out on Rte 146?

    A great website for a drive-in directory and information is

    Timbo - Take a look at your Kentucky thread. I asked you about some stuff in there :) I live near Boston. Where do you call home?

  5. #5


    Anything will freeze if you get it cold enough. I love the heaves that get left ashore when the tide rolls out. Piles of sea ice on the beach...

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