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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France


    my girlfriend and I are going on a 3 weeks road trip next july. We would like to go through St. Louis, OKC, San Fran, LA, San Diego, Tijuana, Grand Canyon, Flagstaff, Denver, San Antonio, New Orleans, Memphis. I was wondering if someone could suggest me an itinerary with as many places as possible plus a "to see" and "to avoid". We plan to sleep in the car as often as possible to save a little money, so we'd like to have some suggestions on places to sleep in the car. Since we are two girls travelling alone we also wanted to know the bad spots to avoid and if you know a good book/site about lesbian travelling (clubs/accomodations, etc) let me know please!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France


    my girlfriend and I are going on a 3 weeks road trip next july. We would like to go through St. Louis, OKC, San Fran, LA, San Diego, Tijuana, Grand Canyon, Flagstaff, Denver, San Antonio, New Orleans, Memphis. I was wondering if someone could suggest me an itinerary with as many places as possible plus a "to see" and "to avoid". We plan to sleep in the car as often as possible to save a little money, so we'd like to have some suggestions on places to sleep in the car. Since we are two girls travelling alone we also wanted to know the bad spots to avoid and if you know a good book/site about lesbian travelling (clubs/accomodations, etc) let me know please! Oh, and we are hikers too so if anyone has a good idea for a one day hiking in a Canyon...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France

    Default Mtl-LA trip, itinerary/sleep in the car/hiking

    my girlfriend and I are going on a 3 weeks road trip next july. We would like to go through St. Louis, OKC, San Fran, LA, San Diego, Tijuana, Grand Canyon, Flagstaff, Denver, San Antonio, New Orleans, Memphis. I was wondering if someone could suggest me an itinerary with as many places as possible plus a "to see" and "to avoid". We plan to sleep in the car as often as possible to save a little money, so we'd like to have some suggestions on places to sleep in the car. Since we are two girls travelling alone we also wanted to know the bad spots to avoid and if you know a good book/site about lesbian travelling (clubs/accomodations, etc) let me know please! Oh, and we are hikers too so if anyone has a good idea for a one day hiking in a Canyon...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Tips Page


    There is a link to the Rainbow RV club (I know you are not RVers) that might be helpful for connecting with other resources on the <a href = "">Solo Tips</a> page.

    Why TJ? There are plenty of "nicer" border towns -- what kind of vehicle will you be driving?

    There are a number of posts about sleeping in cars on this forum -- use the "red" search button and select all threads for more detailed suggestions.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France

    Default Thank you Mark

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