Is there any particular highway that you've gotten a ticket on or where you see an abundance of highway patrollers. I'm not a fast driver by no means and have zero tickets but I know driving in California is much more different than the rest of the country speed wise. This could be anywhere in the United States. Chances are I'll be rollin through your area. For instance, in Orange County the CHP always has a large presence between Mission Viejo and San Clemente on Interstate 5. I will be driving in roughly 35 states this summer mostly between the evening and early morning. Some Interstates I will be on include.... All of I-10 west of Houston. I-45, I-35, I-8, I-5(PDX-SEA), I-84, I-82, I-25 (Cheyenne-Den), I-80 (Salt Lake to Milwaukee), I-76, I-94 (Mil-Min), I-35(Min-KC), I-24, I-75(Atlanta to Orlando), I-4, I-95(Miami to Charlotte), I-85, I-95 (DC To NY) I-90(Boston to Cleveland), All Of I-87, I-75(Detroit To Cincy), I-71, I-70 (KC-STL), I-78(NYC-Harrisburg), I-80(Cleveland-Chicago) Alot of roads I know but if you know something I should know I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks alot -John
Well i live in Cinci, and the Cops are really really relentless between Cincinnati and Toledo, between those two cities on I-75, there is alot of cops. I have traveled from Cinci to Toledo a couple of times, and each time i have seen at LEAST 4 cops on the side of the expressway either tagging people or already pulled somebody over. Once you get passed Cinci and into the great state of Kenctucky, it's not really that bad at all. Just a little heads up
Yes, Driving in other parts of the country is so much different then driving in California. First of all, I live right outside of Boston but I believe that if you drive with the flow of traffic you really shouldn't have a problem. I see that you included Boston in your road trip. Make sure you have a really good map of metro boston and know exactly where you are planning on going in the city. The big dig is changing the highways and streets around Boston sooo much. If you plan on going sighseeing in Boston or in New York I encourage you to use the Subway especially in Boston. Driving and getting around Boston must be one of the worst cities in the U.S. to drive around. It is a great city though!
Driving with the flow and how NOT to get a speeding ticket.
Just my opinion: Driving with the flow is one of the biggest myths of the speeding-want-to-dodge-the-law crowd. While you are correct in the sense that driving with the flow helps you to "blend in" and therefore may result in fewer citations, it is just as true that an officer can only stop one vehicle at a time (usually). If you are solidly over a speed limit, no matter what the "flow" is, you can and will be cited if you are the ONE the officer focuses on -- you're just playing the odds.
Some folks can afford to get a ticket or two. If you want to avoid citations, keep your speed reasonable for the conditions, and no more than a few miles per hour over any limit when conditions are perfect (I don't travel more than 5-8 over, ever). Even then, you must accept the risk that you COULD be cited if an officer wants to make a point.
If you are in small towns, school zones or construction zones, adhere to the posted limit exactly. Also, in construction zones, make sure you don't resume your speed until you see a SIGN that states the normal speed limit is back in force -- sometimes this is quite a ways beyond the apparent end of the work, and it can be a prime area for an officer to lurk.
Finally, should you be cited for speed, it is essential (for your defense) to know the TYPE of speed law you've been cited for -- there are three, basically. Number one is "speed not reasonable and prudent" (this may be the most common speed ticket). This means that no matter what the posted limit is, if YOUR speed is not reasonable at that point in time and at that place, given the existing conditions, you are in violation. You might be able to argue that a slightly HIGHER speed was reasonable at the time and place you got the ticket -- and SOMETIMES you might win the argument, if you can prove your point in court.
The second kind is maximum speed posted on a highway. The law may read, for example, that the maximum speed allowed is 75 mph on any interstate highway. In practice, this is a SIGN violation, not a safety violation. You cannot argue that your speed was R&P given the excellent conditions and light traffic, for example. The officer is simply saying the sign said you could go 50, and you were going 57. End of story, unless you can show otherwise.
Finally, there are absolute speed limits, such as school zone limits, construction areas, etc. One (1) mph over, and you will be cited -- there is no grace and no tolerance. (These aren't really a different kind of law, but the enforcement is strict as a matter of policy.)
Different states may have differing versions of these types of laws, or as in my state, may use a combination of all of them. Let the lead-footed road warrior beware! :)
Good, good, good, good. I will mark the Toledo-Cincinnati drive on my map. I'm driving from Pontiac down to Sharonsville so I will be cautious through there. Thanks. I won't be driving in Boston, I'll be south near Foxboro and of course I won't drive in NYC.
Here's where I vote again for the trusty ol' CB radio in the car.
use the resources online
google search on speed traps.
I live near I-80 west of Chicago. I can tell you if there is any road construction, the cops will be out in full force. ANd IL always has lots of road construction. Follow the speed limts exactly. There was a section of 80 underconstruction last year and the limt was 55, and people would get tickets for going 60.
Don't rule out NYC
Believe it or not, NYC is one of my favorite cities to drive in. I have driven a variey of large vehicles through Manhattan and the Bronx. It is a total kick. Assertive driving is not only tolerated, but expected. It is not for the meek of heart -- but if you truly love driving you have got to experience Broadway at rush hour --
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