I'll be putting about 750 miles on my little Mazda between tomorrow night and Sunday night. Boston to NH to Maine to upstate NY and back to Boston. The only day I won't be driving is Saturday.
So who else has road trips planned? If you're on any of the following interstates and you see a little gray Mazda with a 5' black CB antenna, give me, BostonWrangler, a shout (I'll be on channel 19) or a wave: 93, 95, 495, 190, 290, 90, 87, or 88. :)
800+ miles this weekend, 800+ more next weekend
I just got back from a road trip between LA and SF. I've taken the trip so many times, but I try and take different routes each time. I finally saw the wave organ at the yacht club(thanks to this site), it was definitely worth visiting and it's free. Going up, I wanted to check out the Ridge Route in gorman, but it was getting late so I didn't think it'd be good to go in the dark. I cut through hwy 198, but since it was at night I didn't get to see much. Ended up with a flat tire and ran out of gas on the freeway late at night, but that's all part of the fun. Well, not fun exactly, but stuff happens sometimes. Luckily, I was able to coast to the exit with the engine off, and even more lucky, I was able to coast downhill for another mile until I hit a gas station. Not something I'm gonna try and repeat anytime soon.
But on the way back today, I was able to take my time and take all the side roads. Skyline Blvd from SF to Saratoga is a great road especially in the rain, and stopped by the Yerba Buena nursery out in the middle of nowhere in the pouring rain. It's at the end of this winding dirt (today it was mostly mud) road, and they have every plant imaginable with a little garden tour that's pretty cool, even though I'm not too much into plants. Also took highway 25 (another really twisty road) to Pinnacles National monument, which I plan on visiting again later. Altogether took me 12 hours for a 6 hour drive, but aside from the time, all it cost was another half tank of gas and some chocolate doughnuts bought at some country store.
I'll be going back up next week, again on a different route. So far this month, I'll probabably put on about 3000 miles in the past 3 weeks, 1 trip to Laughlin and the Grand Canyon, and 2 trips to San Francisco.
Ridge Route
The Ridge Route is one you want to drive in daylight. It is an awesome road, but there are some rather large pieces of gravel in the road in places (gravel = 33+" diameter chunks of rock).
For the first Christmas holiday in decades, we won't be on a roadtrip. (The computer at the office beckons) so we really appreciate hearing of your adventures. The flat tire episode is part of the roadtrip experience -- glad you got it handled OK.
Pinnacles is very cool -- try and get there sometime in late afternoon -- really interesting light patterns.
Be safe and have fun!
Just a short trip
I'll be spending the holidays close to home -- my family is all local -- but Friday my son and I are going to take a short road trip around central Arizona on our motorcycle. We will take a truck and the bike, and switch off riding some mountain roads. We are fortunate to live in a place where motorcycle riding weather is a year-around fact (usually). But I hear snow is predicted in our high country for Friday... perhaps we will ride SOUTH instead!
> I'll be spending the holidays close to home -- my <BR>
> family is all local -- but Friday my son and I <BR>
> are going to take a short road trip around <BR>
> central Arizona on our motorcycle. We will take <BR>
> a truck and the bike, and switch off riding some <BR>
> mountain roads. We are fortunate to live in a <BR>
> place where motorcycle riding weather is a <BR>
> year-around fact (usually). But I hear snow is <BR>
> predicted in our high country for Friday... <BR>
> perhaps we will ride SOUTH instead! <BR>
I saw a couple bikes out this week in the Boston area. It's 60 ºF here in Boston on Christmas Eve!
I saw a couple bikes out this week in the Boston area. It's 60 ºF here in Boston on Christmas Eve!
60 degrees?
That is down right balmy. Has it ever been that warm on the 24th of December?
Enjoy, (I am sure it is a only a temporary condition).
Sixty is good
I'm comfortable on the bike down to about 40 degrees. It's normally about 45-50 when I start out in the morning, and close to 60 for the evening ride home (I commute on the bike most days). Below 40, I'd have to buy some more serious cold weather gear!
I know a lot of biker folk in colder areas store their bikes in the winter -- so they are not easily available for the nice days like you're having today. This is the reason (one of them anyway) I suffer through 115 degree heat in the summertime!
Short trip
I'm fortunate that all of my and my girlfriend's family is local, especially since my sister moved nearby last month.
We will be taking a ride or two this weekend. I would like to go over the Zakim bridge sometime soon, just for the experience as I usually take the T into Boston.
Our plans have us going up US-5 to US-4 to Fool On The Hill in Woodstock-Quechee, VT area- a little crafty place that She likes, and then we will probably go into Rutland for a sandwich at a little coffee shop in downtown that's housed in an old bank, and they always have jazz on the stereo. From there down US-7 and, if I'm feeling like it, a trip into Adams, MA, to visit the site of a personal epiphany, to see if any of that energy is still there.
Taking advantage of the warmth, even if it does come with rain!!!
Short trip - check!
Took I-91 up to US-4. Was going to take US-5, but plans for later in the day mandated a quicker route up. Along US-4, especially near Killington, it was snowing lightly and mostly grey, but a nice day nonetheless.
Picked up some Maple smoked cheddar and Vermont maple syrup at Fool on the Hill.
The Coffee Exchange in Rutland had great food as usual - the cheesecake alone is worth the trip.
Along US-7 was a really wonderful scene. The fresh mountain snow highlighted the contours of the hills, while the clouds covered their peaks. Wild turkey were in abundance, though the deer seem shy after hunting season. This is one of our favorite loops, and it didn't disappoint. At any time of year, US-4 and US-7 in Vermont is prime highway.
Traffic was very light, especially for what is a work holiday for many people, though shopping areas showed above average activity.
I took my trip into Adams...a place I spent much time in a couple of years ago. What I found when I returned was that nothing changed at the site I mentioned. And that has made all the difference.
We followed MA-8 back to US-7 (via MA-9), and returned home along the Turnpike. The whole trip lasted from 9am to around 6:30pm, mileage total around 350 (though I didn't keep track).
It looks as though this weekend may be less busy than previously anticipated, so I may head out and do some shopping of my own.
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