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  1. #1
    imported_Sara Guest

    Default first time road tripper

    okay, ive never done this road trip thing before, but me and my two good friends are planning one out for this summer. Weve run across several problems with planning. One is that we are all going to be seventeen, which means there are a lot of things were too young to do (ie booking motels). Also, were all inexperienced at this. Its going to be major, we have five weeks and no final destination. Any ideas how far five weeks and approximately five or six thousand dollars can get us? (were headed west, ie four corners).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Parent's on-board with this?

    A five-week open-ended roadtrip normally sounds perfect to me -- however at seventeen --- there are going to be some challenges. Are all sets of parent's on-board with this concept?

    In five weeks you could easily rack up as many as 15,000 miles or as few as 500 -- depending upon where you are going and what kinds of activities you are seeking. Ditto with the budget of $6000. What kinds of adventures are you interested in pursuing?

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