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  1. #1
    E to the T Guest

    Default RoadTrip-Anaheim to Miami

    My friends and i traveled 7,700 miles this summer. There was five of us aged 18 and 17. We had a blast but my suggestion for this kind of trip is do it in more then two weeks and dont be on a tight time schedule. Also, if you plan to drive through the night its not the same experience cause half your people are asleep the whole way. See as much as possible, stop in little towns, videotape, and do some exploring. enjoy the country, ive seen it and its great!!!

  2. #2


    Glad you had a great time. And welcome to roadtripping! You've got a lot of years ahead for more of these adventures. Enjoy 'em!

  3. #3
    margot Guest


    oooooooh, so jealous! I've had my map on the wall planning my roadtrip for a long time, but I haven't found anyone to do it with yet...besides the part about overprotective parents. I'm gonna do mine after sophomore or junior year i guess...

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