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Thread: maps

  1. #1

    Default maps

    Is it good to get the most updated version of the road atlas? i have the 2003 and i saw the 2004. Im just wondering how many major changes there could be.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula


    I just did a 4000 mile roadtrip last summer with an atlas from 2000. I didn't notice any problems or major changes. I would assume there might be in some areas but I doubt it would be so much to have a major effect on your trip. If I'm way off-base, I'm sure someone will chip in here and let you know. Have fun!

  3. #3

    Default Concur

    I agree with Judy -- I have traveled with two and three year-old maps with no serious problems. In most places, there just isn't that much totally new construction. Bob

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default With another opinion...

    I like maps. I prefer purchasing new versions of my favorite maps before the ink is dry. In fast growing areas, new maps are essential -- in places like New England changes to roadways are much slower. You can get by with an older car, older maps, old clothes, etc. but the quality of the experience will be affected. That being said, the map that sits next to my computer is a very dog-eared 1997 Motor Carrier Atlas, but I several brand new atlases in the truck.

  5. #5


    I agree with Mark on this shouldn't have any problems with an older atlas, unless it's along the lines of my prize, a 1964 Texaco Atlas I found when digging in my parents' attic.

    That being said, I get a new one every year ($4.97 at WalMart), and I've augmented that with Delorme StreetAtlas 2003. The paper ones tend to get worn out from my constant studying of different routes. I can use the computer maps along with the TerraServer page to get an idea of what I'm looking at.

    Here in New England, the routes almost never change (one major notable exception, Boston's Big Dig), so I'm able to get by with some 10-year-old street-level maps I have. I have had few problems with their accuracy.

    If the new one has an easier to read format, or if anyone has found a way to keep New York from falling out, by all means, buy it!

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