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  1. #1
    sm Guest

    Default LA to Texas

    I am new to this site and need some quick answers. Going to Houston Texas from Los Angeles and I don't want to be bored. I have driven I-10 many times over the years and never really had the opportunity to enjoy my trips. We would often fly by each town never taking time to explore.
    Our family is relocating this time. I need to map and time my trip. Is this asking for too much? Help!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default How much time do you have?

    LA to Houston gives rise to at least 100 side trips. If you had three months available for the trip, you would still only have time to see 1/2 of those places. If, as I suspect, you only have 2-3 days, you will need to put the hammer down for most of the trip. So, again what time frame do you have and what kinds of things blow your hair back?

  3. #3
    sm Guest


    I have a short time frame in which to get there. I need to beat the moving company. However, I don't want to just zoom by each and everything.
    Question, Is there a way in which I can time my arrival to certain cities? I have a worrisome sister who will put out an APB if I don't keep her updated. She is not the adventuous type.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Time Forecasting Software


    We did a review of trip planning software and there is program that includes a time forecasting element -- works pretty well -- I tested it on a route I know well -- Look at the (TripKing) program on the <a href = "">Trip Planning page<a/>.

    Still don't know what your time range is. How long do you have?

  5. #5
    sm Guest


    Thank you so much. I will be packing my pc and heading out tomorrow.

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