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  1. #1
    imported_Simon Guest

    Default Seattle to Frisco in August

    Hi - my wife and I are coming over from Scotland and will be traversing your beautiful continent. We're hooking up with a friend in San Francisco on 8/9'ish of August and would be keen on travelling with anyone going down there. WE'd contruibute to gas costs. We'd don't have much time to travel down - we'd like to leav on the 7th. We need to be back in Seattle for the 14th, if anyone is heading back that way.
    I'm 21 and Eva's 22, both university students, easy-going and well-travelled. Please drop me a line, Simon.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default A cultural taboo


    Wish you the best for hooking up with a fellow traveler here. One point, it is tremendously irritating to residents of San Francisco to call it Frisco -- just thought you might want to know... Much like referring to Las Vegas as Vegas.

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