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  1. #1
    Chris Flynn Guest

    Default Sleeping in Car

    I have a questions. Is it OK to sleep in the car while on a road trip? Is it very safe to do or not? Where is the best place to sleep in the car, At the Rest Stop Area or the Truck Stop?
    Please e-mail me and let me know.
    Chris Flynn

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula


    I think it's OK to sleep in your car if you are truly comfortable that way. Personally, I can't imagine unless you are just taking a catnap. A tent, sleeping bag, pillow, and sleeping pad are pretty cheap at places like Wal-Mart. I think you would sleep better in a tent, IMHO.

    As for safety issues, I suppose you could sleep in your car in any well-lighted, fairly busy area like a truck stop and be reasonably safe. However, I think the comings/goings/noise etc., would sure interrupt your sleep.

    NEVER sleep at a rest stop. It is illegal to stay overnight in rest stops in many states anyway. And I have heard some scary stories about things happening to people in those areas at night.

    Again, I would say tent-camp if you need to save money. It only takes me about 10 minutes to get things set up at night for sleeping and another 10 minutes to roll-up the bags, take down the tent, and go in the AM.

    As for safety issues in campgrounds. I think you are probably safe in any commercial park. Especially if it is fairly full. If you are in a more rural camping area (BLM land, national/state/county parks, etc.), then you might camp fairly close to either the full-time caretaker's unit or to other tent-campers, preferably families as they would probably be a safer bet than, for example, next to a single guy or 2 that you don't know.

    Hope this helps.

  3. #3
    Lyrana Guest

    Default Sleeping during the day

    I like driving more at night myself, since the roads are less busy. Then during the day, usually early morning, I'll sleep for a few hours in a parking lot of a mall or department store. There's a lot of people around, and usually malls have security driving around checking on cars. Once I've been woken up by mall security but I just said I was waiting for someone who was shopping. :o) So that's my advice for a small power nap while on the road.

  4. #4
    Chester Guest

    Default Sleeping in your car

    I've done a few roadtrips and I sleep in the back of my car all the time. I feel much safer now that I have tinted windows and a dog, though.
    The best area I have found to sleep is subdivisions. Yep, that's right. Find a street that has many cars on it and pretty well lit. I also try to find a kinda nice nieighborhood, but not too nice since these attract car thieves. I usually park between two cars so I blend in better. With the tinted windows it's impossible to see in the car at night and tough during the day. It's free too!

  5. #5
    imported_Chad Guest

    Default Sleeping in the car

    When we are on Rock Climbing roadtrips, we end up sleeping in the car or truck all the time. If your on a tight time schedule, then sleeping at the rest stops is what we usually do. I've never had a problem with any wierd activity at rest stops between the midwest and Utah/Wyoming. There are always others that are there sleeping also along with alot of truckers too. Most rest stops have 3 hour limits, but dont seem to be enforced too much. Usually 4 hours of sleep will tide you over pretty good for another day of driving. Most trips that we can make in 20 - 25 hours we'll usually take a quick nap at somepoint then get to bed early the first night we are there. But, if you are alone and/or totally exhausted. find a campsite, hotel, truck stop, Wal Mart parking lot or whatever you can to get rested up. Sure, you arive a day later maybe but its better than dead.

  6. #6
    DrumCorpsAlum Guest


    My buddy was travelling to Mobile, AL from SC and wanted me to travel along. We are both college students, and thus broke. Basically, travel with a buddy and have a handgun under the seat. I felt much safer with it. True, neither one of us had a concealed weapons permit. Do this at your own risk.

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