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  1. #1
    Hh Guest

    Default Headin' to Cincinnati

    Hey Heading to Cincinnati on a road trip, were planning on Kings Island but deal fell through, any one know of any other attractions in the Tri-state area? We are going July 10-13th.

  2. #2
    Eliza Guest

    Default Cincinnati

    There is lots to do in Cincinnati besides Kings Island. I particularly recommend the Union Terminal Museum Center- the Natural History Museum (my kids love the cave exhibit),the Cincinnati Historical Society (the Cincinnati in minature exhibit is a highlight for my family), and the IMAX theater are all worth a visit. The Cincinnati Zoo, the Art Museum, the Krohn Conservatory, and of course, the Reds are also very popular. Have fun!

  3. #3
    Cincigirl Guest

    Default Cincinnati

    Hit Eden park and their botanical gardens--nationally renowned.

    Riverside park used to be a cute place to go...something to check into.

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