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  1. #1

    Default moving......K.C. to route?

    Moving from Kansas City to Tampa. Using rental truck with car following separate. Am seeking info on best route.Concerned about getting around larger cities with the rental & following vehicle. Also elevations thru Tenn.---not familiar with this area of country. Any ideas appreciated.Thanks much!

  2. #2
    TripTik Man Guest

    Default Monteagle, Tennessee

    You'll encounter just one notable elevation along your route, on I-24 between Nashville and Chattanooga, near the town of Monteagle.

    The ascent is approximately 800 feet over a four-mile stretch. After that, you'll cross the level summit of the ridge (about two miles) before you begin the inevitable drop. The descent is 1,200 feet over five miles.

    Remember that you'll be traveling on an interstate highway, not some isolated dugway in Utah. I know some folks are a bit skittish about traversing Monteagle in winter due to frequent ice. The rest of the year is no problem, and the views are great.

    You'll be traveling in and out of the mountains until you're almost on the outskirts of Atlanta. But aside from Monteagle you'll find that the highway grades you'll encounter will turn out to be negligable.

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