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  1. #1
    Ranjeet Guest

    Default Trip from Upstate Newyork to downsouth....don't know where

    Hello everyone,
    Fed up with school, i'm planning on driving down south from Upstate newyork during the 2 week break starting tomorrow.....
    not sure where to go....never done such a long trip.....saddest part is that i'm driving alone(everyone seems to be busy for christmas)....

    Want to experience multiple cultures and do extreme sports on the way....
    Any suggestions on the routes to take....places to visit....
    I know this is too much of an open question....but any ideas would be awesome.....

  2. Default

    Find your way down to New Orleans, by way of Nashville and Memphis.

    You can take I-81 all the way down to I-40, and then I-55 down to New Orleans. That'll give a good smattering of southern culture while keeping you in easy striking distance of the various mountain ranges you will pass through or by.


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