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  1. #1
    imported_Jenny Guest

    Default Cross country in BMW Z3?

    Today, I was offered the chance to deliver someone's BMW Z3 convertible, from my school in CA, to my home state, Connecticut. I was already thinking about such a roadtrip, and this offer seems hard to resist, but I have some reservations and was hoping to get some advice. ...
    1. I was planning to go in my clunker station wagon, and camp or possibly sleep in the car along the way. Is camping with a Z3 as ludicrous as I fear it might be? Any ideas for other options without spending a lot of money?
    2. Saftey-- I know convertibles aren't the safest of cars, but how dangerous would such a long drive be? Also, are the stories about people banging into your car until you pull over and then robbing you in the middle of the desert true? (maybe this is silly, just seems like the car would be quite a target...)
    3. Size- two people in a two seater, small trunk. I've never been on a long road trip before, and was wondering how uncomfortable/impractical this sounds to more experienced folks.
    That said, it's a friggin Z3 convertible! College...Road trip...Woohoo! :o)

  2. #2

    Default BMW roadtrip

    I say GO FOR IT! As long as you use normal common sense, you will be safe and just pack minimally. I've done a roadtrip across the US, with just my 13 year old son as company, in a VW Beetle. Felt safe every moment of the way. Just pack lean. You can do it!

  3. #3
    Don Woodmancy Guest

    Default Cross Country in a Z3

    I agree wqith the previous post - go for it! I had the good fortune to deliver a friend's older (10-12 years) Mercedes SL500 convertable from southern Caqlifornia to Virginia via northern California a few years ago. It too did not have much room for luggage but I had a great time. I didn't camp but you can fit a small tent and other belongings in as long as you pack only what you absolutely need. Have a great trip.

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