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  1. #1
    Charlie Bergstrom Guest

    Default 1991 4-door 4 cylander corolla, can it tow a trailer?

    I'm planning a cross country Boston-San Fran road trip. Does anyone have experience towing an 8x4 Uhaul trailer? Can my car pull it off?

    Thanks! You can e-mail me directly or leave a message here.

    Charlie Bergstrom

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Legal but still nuts


    The rules for towing are different in each state -- it is likely that your Corolla would pass the bare minimum -- but if you load it very much and encounter heavy side winds --- you might very well be knocked off the road. I would counsel against giving up that much weight to the trailer.


  3. #3
    Juliette Guest

    Default I wouldn't do it

    I considered the same thing (I have a honda civic) and was strongly discouraged by most people I talked to. If you don't have too much stuff, consider a car top carrier. It worked well for me last time I drove x-country. Just make sure that you protect the roof of your car.


  4. #4
    Stephen Webb Guest

    Default Trailer...

    If your car is an automatic, I wouldn't do it. It will likely toast your transmission. Mountains are esepecially hard, and high ambient temperatures don't help.

    It's a small trailer, but the corolla isn't really designed to handle it. I'd be awfully careful.

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