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  1. #1
    Gareth Guest

    Default How to register and insure a car?

    We are two friends from Ireland coming to the U.S this June to do a road trip all around the continent for a couple of months. It seems that it will be cheaper to buy an old car than to rent, but could anyone tell us whether you have to have an address in the U.S to register the car at and to get insurance? Also any idea how much I might expect to pay for insurance for say 3 months? Thanks and happy travelling.

  2. #2
    Tim Tim Guest

    Default Re: How to register and insure a car?

    That was our idea you thieving potato scoffing oiks. We're doing NY to LA in a van which we will buy when we arrive. We found only one insurance company willing to take us on... go get your head around Joceline:

    > >Joceline Valentin
    > >Underwriting Analyst
    > >AIU North America, Inc.
    > >(800) 343-5761 - General Enquiries
    > >

    and ask about the foreigners insurance stuff for big enjoyables.
    Our quote was about $380 for two months which is higher than normal due to our pathetic efforts at the ageing process. We don't have a US address and will probably have to make something up to get the doctormentation done, which looks like it'll be fine.

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