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Thread: road trip help

  1. #1
    Amila Guest

    Default road trip help

    Hi everyone.
    I am a youngster myself, getting ready to graduate high school. A few friends and I have planned since middle school to take a road trip at the end of our senior year. Well, this time is just around the corner, and I don't know the first thing about planning a road trip. If anyone out there can help me out it would be greatly appreciated. Our starting point is Northern California, and we don't really care where we go as long as its fun. Any suggestions would be helpful. And, we are all 18-21 that are going so if you could help think of places age appropriate, again it would be greatly appretiated. THank you, and Im looking foward to hearing from someone.

  2. #2
    Ben Dambman Guest


    I'd highly recommend you join AAA if you're not a member already. It's worth the membership rate if only for the free maps. You can also get a "trip-tik" (sp?) which is a map customized for your route and high-lites the roads and route that you tell them you're planning on taking. Plus, you'll be glad you're a member if you break down even once- they'll tow you a short distance for free.

    Also, if you want save money, staying in hostels is a great way to meet travelers your age, and get good info on the local scene (see But- you might actually save money staying in cheap motels and splitting the cost between you if there are at least 3 or 4 of you because hostels charge per person, not per room.

    Last thing- if you happen to end up in Tijuana, be very careful, and I would only go during the day, without a car. It's very easy to get into trouble there without even trying. Anyway, hope the trip goes well!

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