Results 1 to 5 of 5
  1. #1
    MaryG Guest

    Default SanFran

    We are from the East Coast, going to the West! We will be spending a few days in Monterey, San Fran, and wine county. Where do we want to stay in San Fran (fisherman's warf, financial district?) We would like to stay where the action is! we will then be traveling all the way up to Portland. What should we see? I know Crater Lake.

  2. Default Oregon or Bust!

    In a little town outside of Portland resides a little known treat: Howard Hugh's 'Spruce Goose'. It is in McMinnville. Just one of millions of possibilities!!
    Oh, and if you eat at Allioto's on the SF pier, I hope you like seafood 'cause I found out they don't have anything for those of us who don't! <G>

  3. #3

    Default SF and Oregon

    I was just in SF a month ago. Stayed in the Financial District at the Holiday Inn. The room was cheaper than the one down at Fisherman's wharf but watch out, they charge thirty dollars a day for parking. So we ended up paying more than we would have to stay down at Fisherman's. So always ask if the rate includes everything. Take a Trolley ride. Alcatraz is neat but it costs $50 a person, just depends on how much you plan to spend.
    Also this past summer I drove through Oregon. I didn't spend much time there but I did stop in Newport, Oregon on the coast and went to the aquarium there. It's a really great place.

  4. #4
    Martin B Guest

    Default San Francisco to Oregon

    I visited friends in Eugene, Oregon last August, starting from San Francisco airport.

    Mistake 1. The airport is in the south of the city.
    Mistake 2. Friday lunchtime.
    Mistake 3. I-101 IS NOT A MAJOR ROAD.

    The Golden Gate bridge is an absolute must.

    The 199 from Crescent City to Grants pass is absolutely spectacular. I ended starting this section at about dawn, due to the car breaking down the previous afternoonn. It has to be done, assuming that you're taking I-101/I-5 northwards of course.

    There are loads of great beaches and historic sights. Check out the Historic Lighthouses, especially Cape Blanco.

    Most of all, get off the main roads, go check the little roads, and take delight in everything you see and do.

    I Wish I was going with you.

    Martin B.

  5. #5
    imported_Suzanne Guest

    Default Alcatraz

    Alcatraz is $50 a person? It's more like $14 for the ferry and admission to the audio tour.

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