Results 1 to 4 of 4
  1. #1
    D. Doc Derry Guest

    Default Alaska

    Greetings from Alaska!
    Loved the roadsigns. Drove a truck over-the-road for many years, and have seen a number of the signs that are here on this web site. Two thumbs up from an Alaskan!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default The famous Brown Material Road

    Greetings Doc,

    Where in Alaska do you call home now? Tonight will be posting one of the more memorable road signs found in central California: Brown Material Road!


  3. #3
    D. Doc Derry Guest

    Default Hi Mark,

    &gt; Greetings Doc,<BR>
    &gt; <BR>
    &gt; Where in Alaska do you call <BR>
    &gt; home now? Tonight will be posting one of the <BR>
    &gt; more memorable road signs found in central <BR>
    &gt; California: Brown Material Road!<BR>
    &gt; <BR>
    &gt; Mark <BR>

  4. #4
    D. Doc Derry Guest

    Default Hi Mark,

    We are 50 miles north of Anchorage, on a road named Wasilla Fishhook Rd. Mile 9 to be more accurate. wife and I, have a custom motorcyle shop here.
    Our Home Page URL:

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