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  1. #1
    Vanessa Guest

    Default Trying to plan a trip

    Hi All,

    I'm planning a trip from SF to VA and looking for a web site that can beat all by giving me more than driving directions. I'm looking for a site that can give h/motels to stay in along the way. I want this information without having to give the city and state - basically I want it to map out my whole trip. Meaning if I want to travel 400 miles per day, where can I stay after each 400 miles.

    Thanks for your time and help.


  2. #2
    iva Guest


    Try putting your distinations in and followng it. I drove to St. Louis with it once. Was very helpful. Let me know if you find a site like your looking for. I'm planning a two week trip to the Grand Canyon from No. Michigan and could use similiar help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Sounds Great!

    Road Greetings Vanessa,

    Your idea sounds like a natural for the Web. Funny thing is that creating the relational database to supply that degree of information is very expensive and time-consuming. Nothing on that scale really exists. Our two-year effort to date has only defined the initial limits of such an effort -- the preliminary cost is a low seven figure investment If you have an extra million or two sitting around gathering dust...


  4. #4
    vgriffy Guest

    Default has a decent road trip guide. it's not perfect yet (the flow of the site leaves much to be desired and the amount of attraction information seems to be still in the development site) but it's the best i've found.

  5. #5
    Lynnebiz Guest


    Hi Vanessa -

    While there may not be such a site (yet), this is what I am going to do for our Boston to Tucson trip that we're making in the late fall. I'm going to map out the approximate length we plan to travel each day. Then I am going to research each state, around the highways we will be traveling on. Hopefully I'll come up with some good info on motels and eateries.

    (that is such a good idea for a site - maybe someone who can get the backing of $$ like - or even better, one of the major co. that supplies gasoline - will be able to do it, someday)

    Good luck...


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default software

    I would suggest buying inexpensive trip planning software. Microsoft Streets & Trips is a great program that does what you are looking for.

  7. #7
    essie Guest

    Default road trip help

    I found a good website a few months ago,, that would tell you exactly what you could find at every single exit on every single interstate highway across the US: which restaurants, gas stations, hotels/motels, whether there was a hospital or police station there, etc. I've tried to access the site for nearly two weeks now and get a message that it can't be found. Does anyone know what happened to it?

    I don't mind eating at McDonald's, but I'd hate to do it and get back on the road, just to discover that I could have eaten at The Outback Steakhouse if I had driven another 5 miles before getting off the Interstate.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default It's getting hard to stay alive on the net!

    Lots of good web sites have bit the dust in recent weeks. RoadTrip America is far from healthy -- but we are still here. One site that is very helpful -- has a really good set of tools for roadtrip planning is

    We hope to have our version of roadtrip planning tools and services operational sometime next year -- if the dust storms pass on by...


  9. Default Don't overplan!!

    By all means get all the info you can. But don't make an ironclad plan that you HAVE to follow. Otherwise you risk missing the unexpected gem that most of us find on every trip. Talking with an interesting person can be way more fun than being at your motel at a certain time. Flexibility sometimes also becomes a neccessity also. Remember no car NEVER breaks down!!<G> Good luck and have fun.

  10. #10
    Lizzy Gregory Guest

    try this site - not by any means the extent of information you want - but it is quite adaptable.......
    Happy tripping!

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