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Thread: NYC to LA

  1. #1
    imported_Alex Guest

    Default NYC to LA around 4/28

    I am planning a trip departing from NYC around end of April traveling either on US70 or US80; need advice.

    Thinking of short stop on Grand Cannon and Vegas. Trip will take aproximately 6 days.

    I have a good condition 96 Honda Civic (manual trans.)

    Looking for a carmate/driver, advice or must see's.

  2. Default Your trip

    Hey Alex, I did this trip 10 years ago and ready to do again. Vegas, Arizona would be cool places to stop, also Chicago, depending your route. I have funds an really cool individual with my own business.. Just looking for a road trip out West..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    South of England.

    Default Long since gone.

    Hi Maverik, welcome to RTA !

    Good luck in your search for a ride, but if you check the date this thread was originally posted, you will notice that it was done before your last trip you took 10 years ago.


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