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  1. #1
    Anita Wollison Guest

    Default traveling with my dog

    I'm planning a road trip this summer with my dog, traveling from our home in Iowa, to Fayetteville, AK - Memphis, TN - Oxford & Tupelo, MS - Alabama - Georgia - Carolinas - north to Boston, then to NH. Need suggestions on dog-friendly places to stay/camp especially from Mississippi through Maryland. Dog parks?? Any road trip dog owners out there along the way??

    thanks, anita

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default A few resources


    Marvin the Road Dog should probably be writing this, since he is THE expert on this subject. But check out the following links:; and


  3. #3
    Nancy Janzen Guest

    Default traveling with my dog

    Remember to take extra long rest area breaks or your dog will start walking like a drunken sailor.Took my K.C.from Port Isabel Tx to Pittsville Wi. never had any trouble finding motels only had one security deposit of ten dollars , got that back. Helps that she is a small dog and quiet. Have fun take some water from home and your dogs dish.

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