Hey, this is my first post here- I'm looking for some advice for a trip coming to georgia coming up in the next couple months. I'm wondering if people on here have any advice on areas to avoid on my route down?
My route is basically NH to Albany GA with 'avoid tolls' on google maps, lol. I won't be going through NYC or Boston or maybe a few others.
I drove my crappy old truck the same route last year with no trouble, but this time I'm taking an '81 trans am and a buddy down and everyone is warning me about theft.
I'm pretty much planning on sticking to the highway and only getting gas at big places on the way. Not planning on stopping at any hotels, maybe crash at a truck rest stop if I have to but that's it. Probably leaving NH around 12pm, so a lot of the big places we go through won't have much traffic in the early morning, Did the same thing last time.
Any tips on things to do and places to stay away from or etc would be greatly appreciated.