Hi, I’m planning a trip where the main attractions are San Francisco (thinking of 4 days), Yosemite National Park (3 days) and finishing in Los Angeles (almost 2 days) with Palm Springs the night before (seeing a gig in PS).
Between Yosemite and Palm Springs, I want to see (a glimpse) of the Grand Canyon, spend like 2 hours in Las Vegas and spend a night in Jerome. Probably drive through Benton Hot Springs as it seems interesting.
The plan is to exit Yosemite on the 20th of April and arrive at Palm Springs on the 24th.
Do you think this is doable and what towns would you pick to visit and stay, between Yosemite and Palm Springs?
I want to avoid driving more than 4/5 hours. I thinks there’s no need to do so and we want to do some sightseeing, not just drive and drive!
General advices are also appreciated!
Thank you!