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  1. Default Hiring travel planner for my US road trip!

    I'm not sure if this post is allowed or if I'm posting in the right section, but if it's not, please let me know and I'll adjust it accordingly :)

    I'm looking for a travel planner to plan my US road trip that'll last a few months. You should be an active road tripper, travel a lot, or an expert researcher.

    Three tasks:

    1. Plan destinations, route, timeline

    2. Find Airbnbs, cabins, accommodations

    3. Create daily itinerary of local activities, events

    In short: you’re planning everything from where I’m going to what I’m doing on a daily basis.

    It's a slow-paced trip, staying 2-4 weeks per location. You'll plan monthly. Long-term position and the pay is pretty good.

    If you're interested or know anyone that can do this, please let me know :)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default The Pros

    It sounds like you're looking for a Travel Agent. They will do pretty much everything on your list, but they do so for a fee. Be aware that the lower their fee the more likely it is that they're getting reimbursed by the venues that they book you into. You're also better off working with someone local that you can sit down with for a significant back-and-forth talk to let them know what you want in the way of lodging, attractions and amount of driving that consitutes a 'day' for you.

    We'd be more than happy to help you with advice of all kinds about possible things to do and routes between those places, but we firmly believe that RoadTripping is a personal endeavor. The best trip planner for you is YOU. And a several month long adventure is a bit more than we can handle adequately.

    So, what I'd suggest is that you start here and flesh out a very broad general plan for your travels and then fill in the details with a Travel Agent. I hope that helps, and in any event we are always here to be a sounding board and answer specific questions but planning and booking multi-month vacations is a bit beyond our scope.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    South of England.

    Default Free advice from seasoned road trippers, right here!

    I agree with what Buck has said above, but if you proceed with a personal planner/Travel agent, it is wise to use a cautious approach and check things for yourself, using the knowledge available here at RTA if you wish. We have had new members in the past who have used Travel advisors, then joined the forums to share their itinerary and to get extra details, only to find out that portions of their plans are flawed. This could be due to lack of actual travel experience, knowledge of an area by the advisor, and/or working with partners that offer more reward.

    No one will know your travel style better than you, your likes and dislikes etc etc, so you would have to have quite a bit of input in any case, so why not start here.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Melbourne, Australia

    Default Free Rolling.

    Over the first two decades of this millenium I was fortunate to be able to make ten trips to the U.S.A., to see my children and grandchildren on the east coast. With each trip lasting between five and six months, I spent a lot of time on the road, to see as much as I could of this great land - including 4 trips to Alaska and back.

    However, I have never been able to embrace the concept of planning. I would head to the horizon, just to see what was on the other side! Turn the corner and detour if something looked interesting enough. The things I saw; the surprises I found (especially when I was lost); the many friends I made; the memories and the thousands of photos I have will stay with me through my golden years.

    It was not until I discovered RTA in late 2008, that I became aware that everyone was talking about planning. It was a new concept to me, and to this day I feel restricted if I try to plan a trip.

    Have a great adventure.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default There is an alternative

    Quote Originally Posted by teameister View Post
    I'm looking for a travel planner to plan my US road trip that'll last a few months. You should be an active road tripper, travel a lot, or an expert researcher.
    All of the posts above are from highly skilled, semi-pro road trippers, who could easily charge for their services. This web site has been providing the kind of detail you seek for FREE for more than 28 years.

    That being said, there could be advantages to "hiring" someone to act as your advocate and planner. I don't know of anyone--beyond the scope of being a member or RoadTrip America--that would have that expertise. With one notable exception:

    If you were interested in traveling by RV -- this firm, Tracks & Trails does provide the kind of detailed planning that you might find helpful. For most of us on this forum--we would find it too constraining--we like to make our own decisions based on the road conditions and most of us love to get "lost" for a while.

    But I have known the owners of Tracks and Trails for more than 22 years and I fully recommend their services.


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