On the 19th, Megan and I left the office early in the morning in search of desert wildflowers. There are fields of Desert Gold yellow flowers all along Ash Meadows Road between Pahrump and NV-371. Both sides of the road have dramatic displays of yellow flowers. We were hoping to find some Desert Five Spot -- but none were in any of the places we've found them in past "hunts."
We did a couple of things we've not done for years -- explored a bit more of the Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, stayed overnight at Panamint Springs and drove to the overlook at Dante's View.
So here are some photos from the trip:
Close-up of Desert Gold -- by far the most prevalent flower seen right now.
Boardwalk on the Point of Rocks trail -- heading to the ponds
Kings Spring is located along the boardwalk. This pond had a bunch of Dace fish in it.
Fields of this glorious flower to be found in the northern sections of Panamint Valley
Megan Edwards sitting at the redwood burl bar -- awesome bar at the Panamint Springs Resort.
I am not sure what this plant is. Found in both Death Valley and surrounding Mojave -- excellent stands found along the road to Dante's View.
Far snow-covered peak is Telescope Peak in the Panimint Mountains. Foreground is the rapidly receding Lake Manly located at Badwater.