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  1. #81


    That's OK, we'll just have to look out for our own topes, like the ones I happened upon today.
    Even though they were on a side street that dead ends in a parking lot for a hiking trail, so not quite the same as ones on a main road, but seeing them made me think of your posts ;)

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Phoenix, Arizona


    My neighbors recently passed around a petition to have two of them installed on the street where I live. There's no escape...

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Looking forward to when you can pick this up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Quinn View Post

    Yee Ha!
    Looking forward to when you can pick this up.


  4. #84
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default a/k/a "SLEEPING POLICEMEN"

    Quote Originally Posted by BillyGr View Post
    That's OK, we'll just have to look out for our own topes, like the ones I happened upon today.
    In Merry Ole England they refer to these as being a "SLEEPING POLICEMEN."


  5. #85
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    South of England.

    Default Enjoying the report!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Sedenquist View Post
    In Merry Ole England they refer to these as being a "SLEEPING POLICEMEN."

    They are also commonly referred to as "Speed Humps" (or Bumps) here in the UK. They're commonly used to try and reduce speed in built up residential areas and rural villages, that would be considered a 'cut through' by locals in an attempt to save time and avoid queues on the main routes, especially during morning and evening rush hours.


  6. #86
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default The Difference

    Speed 'bumps' and speed 'humps' are two different animals. About a year ago I did a fair amount of research on this when my local homeowners association was proposing to spend $30,000 to rip up our existing humps (which had replaced previous bumps that the neighbors hated) and replace those humps with bumps!!! Bumps are high and very narrow, force you to slow to about 5 mph, and are meant for parking lots. Humps, sometimes referred to as 'tables', are lower and wider, force you to slow down to about 15 mph, and are meant for neighborhood streets.


  7. #87
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default I much prefer Humps!

    Quote Originally Posted by AZBuck View Post
    Humps, sometimes referred to as 'tables', are lower and wider, force you to slow down to about 15 mph, and are meant for neighborhood streets.

    I will be darned, learn something new here, just about every day. Armed with this new information -- I much prefer Humps!


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