View Poll Results: When will Tioga pass close for winter 2022

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  • Before October 1st

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  • 1st to 8th October

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  • 9th to 16th October

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  • 17th to 24th October

    1 25.00%
  • 25th to 31st October

    0 0%
  • 1st to 8th November

    0 0%
  • 9th to 16th November

    0 0%
  • 17th to 24th November

    3 75.00%
  • 25th November to 1st December

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  • After December 1st

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Multiple Choice Poll.
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    South of England.

    Default Competition time ! The 34th Tioga pass prognosticator. Winter closing.

    Welcome to the 34th Tioga pass prognosticator and your chance to win a free tank of petrol for your road trip ride !!

    (It's free to enter and all you have to do is correctly predict the date the Tioga Pass will close for the 2022 winter season!!)

    This is our 34th attempt at predicting future road conditions on one of our favorite mountain crossings in the American West. Tioga Pass which is found on California State Route 120 connects California’s Owens Valley with the Central Valley while crossing the rugged Sierra Nevada Mountain range. When the snows of autumn descend on this alpine route, we know that winter in all of her majesty is about to close the high country for another summer road trip season and so this poll is a traditional rite of passage for the Great American RoadTrip Forum. We don't care how you come up with a date, you can throw a dart at the calender, gaze at a crystal ball or study weather patterns and previous years results, or what ever else it takes !

    If you want a chance to become RTA's new Tppc (Tioga pass prognosticator champion) and win a tank of gas all you have to do is follow the simple rules below.

    The competition

    You are welcome to use your predictive talents and if you manage to hit the correct date -- the RTA Editorial group will pay for a tank of Roadtrip fuel in your personal roadtrip ride. Legal has suggested that we identify what this means.... So, for the record, the prize will be limited to $75.00 USD* ************Forum Moderator, Dave Gomm, (Southwest Dave) is the official Sheriff and Chief Wrangler for this contest and his rulings as to the naming of the winner are final, (& they can also be arbitrary & capricious) Got a beef? Or a question? Take it up with him...

    The rules.

    ****Please read rules carefully****

    To win this prize, the date must be posted** on this Forum more than or equal to fifteen (15) days prior to the official Tioga Pass Road CLOSING date. (**Your "date" and time must be identified in a post on this thread...**)
    * Further, you must identify a particular date in your post.
    * Further, you must identify a particular time in your post (date and time is required for the winning entry).
    *If you manage to identify the correct closing time within 60 minutes.... you'll receive an additional surprise gift from RTA.
    * A single calendar date can only be claimed by one member. If two or more members chose the same calendar date, and that date proves to be the "Winning Date", the prize will go to the member who "claimed" the date the earliest in this contest period.
    *The official date for this Tioga Pass Prognosticator contest tracks with Pacific Time (USA), so no matter what date it might be in your local neighbourhood, the date used for this contest will be the same one used by the officials at Yosemite National Park for Tioga Pass.

    When you have identified your prediction in your post you must "Ping the Poll" at the top of page (This is done by completing your poll selection).

    If you are not familiar with Tioga pass just take a look at these contrasting images from the same web camera !!

    Here follows some information from previous years to help guide you.

    Official Tioga Pass Closings in recent years:

    2021 October 21st (Very early closure)
    2020 November 5th
    2019.November 19th
    2018:November 20th
    2017: November 14th
    2016: November 16th
    2015: November 1st
    2014: November 13th
    2013: November 18th
    2012: November 8th
    2011: January 17th, 2012
    2010: November 19th
    2009: November 12th
    2008: October 30th
    2007: December 6th
    2006: November 26th
    2005: November 25th
    2004: October 17th
    2003: October 31st
    2002: November 5th

    Here is a link to the official Yosemite opening and closing page.

    The High Sierra webcam to see whats happening right now !

    And a link to our last 10 winter closing contests.

    2021 contest.
    2020 Cancelled due to pandemic.
    2019 contest
    2018 contest
    2017 contest
    2016 contest
    2015 contest
    2014 contest
    2013 contest
    2012 contest

    Here is a list of previous winners.

    Tioga pass champions !

    Mark Sedenquist, Winter 2018. Reigning Champ !
    ......................(tantrum), Spring 2015 Opening (never identified or claimed the prize)
    George Carey (glc), Spring 2014 Opening
    George Carey (glc), Spring 2013 Opening
    Jessica Beagles-Roos (CAnative), Spring 2011 and Winter 2011 (although it actually closed in 2012)
    Brian Shannon (Exodus) Spring, 2010
    Phil Boardman, (PhilB) Spring 2009
    ..................... (weirj), Winter 2008 (never identified or claimed the prize)

    ***and the dcTPP contestants (Darn Close -- Tioga Pass Prognosticator)

    ************** Southwest Dave 2022 Spring opening
    ************** tseeb. 2020 Spring opening
    **************anuj1985. winter 2019
    **************Southwest Dave. Spring 2019
    ************** tseeb Spring 2018
    ************** Mark Sedenquist, Winter 2017
    **************Southwest Dave Spring 2017
    **************travelingman Winter 2016
    *************Jessica Beagles-Roos [CANative] Spring 2016
    *************Jessica Beagles-Roos, (CaNative), Winter 2013
    *************George Carey (glc), Spring 2012
    *************Sheriff Dave Gomm (Southwest Dave), Winter 2010
    *************Don Casey (CalOldBlue), Winter 2009
    *************Lynn & Victor (Hotel Charlotte), Spring 2008
    *************Joey (Kinless), Spring 2007

    Here are some 'Proof of gas' photos of previous winners.

    Mark Sedenquist. Winter closing 2018. (and still reigning Champ !)

    George Carey Spring opening 2014 (glc)

    George again in Spring 2013.

    CAnative Spring 2011

    Brian Shannon. (Exodus) Spring, 2010.

    Phil Boardman (PhilB) Spring 2009

    Good luck and happy travels folks !

    Last edited by Southwest Dave; 09-12-2022 at 08:31 AM. Reason: Detail

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Monday, November 21st at 8 am.

    Sheriff Dave,

    Looking good to me. I am tossing my first dart: Monday, November 21st at 8 am.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    South of England.

    Default First signs of winter approaching the high ground.

    From Monday we have 3 days of rain and snow showers forecasted and nightime temperatures dropping below 25F. With snow level above 9000 feet it shouldn't cause any disruption, other than early moring ice possibly.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    South of England.

    Default That would be a heck of a queue !!

    Queen Elizabeth visited Yosemite in March 1983.

    The late Queen Elizabeth who is currently laying in state at Westminster and has huge queues of crowds waiting to pay their respects. Many miles of walking and some waiting 14 hours to file past her coffin, but at least it doesn't start near Yosemite as mistakenly reported below !

    Snaking through London, the queue to see Queen Elizabeth II lying in state ran for 4.4 miles on Thursday, stretching from Westminster to Tower Bridge and beyond.

    However, those looking to join the back of the line might have been forgiven for thinking it began 5,300 miles away in Fresno, California.

    The reason for the confusion was a choice by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport to use a British app to help mourners find the end of the queue.

    The app, called What3words, uses a combination of three words to pinpoint a grid address anywhere in the world. Its map is broken up into 57 trillion three-metre squares, each with a unique identifier made up of three words.

    For example, the late Queen’s coffin is lying in the centre of Westminster Hall on a catafalque. The middle of Westminster Hall, according to What3words, is addressed as hurls.elbows.jumped.

    But problems have arisen further down the queue. The first location posted by DCMS officials on their YouTube livestream of the line was supposed to be same.valve.grit, a spot next to Blackfriars Bridge.

    Unfortunately, the address they actually posted as same.valve.grid, more than 5,300 miles away near Yosemite in California.

    The error is easily missed. Civil servants appear to have typed “grid” instead of “grit”, potentially after mishearing the word.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Wow, that would be an extraordinarily long queue!

    Wow, that would be an extraordinarily long queue! Pretty cool that you found this article and posted it here.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    South of England.

    Default Great time to visit !

    Reservations to be able to enter Yosemite end tonight and it looks like a beautiful week ahead to visit with freedom. In the valley the temperatures look to remain in the high 70F range and even above 9000ft you can expect mid 60's ! Boy I wish I was there !!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Western/Central Massachusetts

    Default Total guess...

    October 23rd at 3pm. Because weather is sneaky!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    South of England.

    Default Predictably getting unpredictable.

    The weather has been pretty settled in Yosemite for the time of year but it looks as though a change may blow in on Tuesday with the possibility of 6inches of snow followed by the same on Wednesday at higher elevations along Tioga pass. Wind gusts could reach 40mph so it could be enough to close the pass, at least for a short while. It's certainly the time of year the weather becomes unsettled and the forecasts are showing that. With that in mind I am going to get my prediction in. November 18th at 8am.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Central Missouri


    Nov. 22nd, 8 am.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    South of England.

    Default Could this be it ?

    Tioga pass has been temporarily closed due to the forecast of snow, I understand they closed it on October 31st and remains closed. Although this is stated as a temporary closure there is a Winter storm watch in place from Sunday through to Wednesday with potential to bring heavy snow and gusty winds up to 50mph. At 8000ft there is a possibility of 2-3feet snow accumulation and up to 4ft in isolated spots above this. If this pans out it would not surprise me if it remains closed for the season and we witness another October closure !


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