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  1. #1

    Default Share gas and driving some or all the way from Arlington, VA to Portland Oregon?

    This is a long shot but I thought I'd try.
    I need to get my Lexus SC430 car to Portland Oregon. I was planning on making a trip of it leaving in Mid-May (ideally May 16). As I'm Semi-retired, I have the time to plan and make a trip across the northern portion of the US stopping for sure at Mt Rushmore and any place interesting along the northern route. I'm looking for someone who would be interested in sharing the driving part of the trip and expenses somewhere along or the entire route. I plan to drive 400-600 miles per day with stops along the way including Mt Rushmore for a day and any other interesting sites. I'm open to suggestions on stops along the way. I can take anywhere between 5-7 days to compete the journey ending in Portland. Since my car is not large, I have room for 1 person and a carry-on sized luggage. Ideally, we would meet (either in person or via video) first and assure there's a fit. I have a perfect driving record and would be looking for a fellow "safe" driver. I would also have my car fully ready for the trip. If interested, please message me and we can take it from there. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    South of England.

    Default Time and expectations.

    Hello and welcome to RTA !

    Good luck finding a road trip buddy and hope you have a great trip. One point I thought I would make is that this a minimum of 5 days driving, (all day with only basic stops) 6 days with a detour to Rushmore, so even with 7 days you are not allowing much time for sight seeing. Google maps and the like are good for route planning and distances but way off with timing when real life issues come into play such as a human's need for rest, food, to use a bathroom and have a little exercise to stretch tired limbs, never mind congestion and construction delays.

    Your trip can be acheived but would be more fun and relaxing if you had a little more time or lower expectations. Safe travels !!

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