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Thread: Detroit to OBX

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Central Missouri


    You may be thinking about the museum that's right on the road out to Chincoteague, near Wallops. It's on VA-175,just off to the right as you are heading out to Chincoteague. It's about 10 miles off of route 13, and its official name is the Goddard Space Visitors Center. Back almost 6 years ago, my husband and I spent about 2 hours there. It was rather unplanned but very, very enjoyable. One of the things that we enjoyed the most about the place was standing outside the front door of the museum and looking across the highway at the array of satellite dishes doing their thing.

    Further on down, we were lucky enough to see two of the wild horses of Chincoteague. Like many little girls years before, I had read Marguerite Henry's Misty of Chincoteague, Stormy, Misty's Foal, novels set in the area. When you're there, if you see someone pulled over and looking into the forested areas, slow down and look too. You just may be as lucky as we were.

    BTW, I think you're wise to cut Atlanta from this trip.


  2. Default

    Thank you again Landmariner and Donna for the awesome suggestions. Appreciate it a lot.
    I will keep them in mind while planning the route.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Kudos to Landmariner & Donna57

    Quote Originally Posted by landmariner View Post
    Pace, it will still be a two day trip from Detroit to Assateague Island
    High marks and kudos to Landmariner and Donna57 for the information in this thread. Thanks for the current information.


  4. Default

    I am not familiar with this area, but I can tell posting on this site has been great . The responses of those who know the area have been very informative. Great site to get info for traveling!

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