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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Melbourne, Australia

    Default Hostels.

    Sleeping in your car in either Detroit or Chicago, I would have to agree, is not a very smart thing to do. However, there is no need to go for a hotel room, where as a single, you are essentially paying for two.

    I suggest you check out hostels in both cities. There are a couple of nice ones in Chicago - I loved the HI. The other at which I have stayed was nowhere near as nice, but still safe and quite a bit cheaper with a full free breakfast in the hotel dining room (If you're smart you can even make a sandwich or two for lunch.) Even though there is only one hostel in Detroit, it has some good reviews. You will be a lot safer in a hostel, even in a dorm room. Carry a medium sized padlock for your locker.

    There are many other great hostels throughout the US. Most have a breakfast, all have visitor information, many run tours to local attractions and lots have discount tickets available...... sometimes even free.

    In the Moab area I would highly recommend the Lazy Lizard - a great hostel.

    There are usually cupboards of free non perishable food available, and usually there is tea and coffee 24 hours. Besides that you will meet lots of other travellers and be able to share stories, plans and ideas. Hostelling is a fun and affordable way to travel long term.


  2. #12


    Map question: for longer cross-country trips, is the Rand McNally Road Atlas enough (+GPS), or is it recommended to have more detailed maps of each individual area/state you'll be driving to/through?

    Moderator Note: Please keep all question about your trip in this thread.

    EDIT: Thanks, sorry, I saw they were talking about McNally road atlases and thought it seemed relevant there.
    Last edited by mattaz; 02-22-2016 at 05:40 PM. Reason: Moved from another thread

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default it's a good start

    A regular old road atlas is a very good place to start, and works well most of the time.

    If you're planning to spend an extended period of time in one area, then it could be useful to get a more detailed map.

  4. #14


    Hey Everyone, thought I'd provide an update.

    I've changed the dates to august - september, for more planning and money saving time (and time to get back in shape--rehabbing a leg injury). I've secured the use of a Subaru Forester 2015 and have been approved for 2 months off work if I choose to take the trip.

    The only real thing holding me back on this is the cost. Basically I would probably have to blow my entire life savings on this trip, even if I slept in the car/camped most of the way and brought a camping stove to cook beans and rice along the way.

    I might be able to convince my work to let me work ~2 days a week from the road/on my laptop/wifi to earn some money.

    Anyways, I'm left pondering: as a 25 year old with little tying me down, is it worth it to blow probably quite a few thousand Canadian dollars on a 2month solo road trip to think about life and explore the US? I don't know.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Melbourne, Australia

    Default Regret it at your leisure.

    Quote Originally Posted by mattaz View Post
    Anyways, I'm left pondering: as a 25 year old with little tying me down, is it worth it to blow probably quite a few thousand Canadian dollars on a 2month solo road trip to think about life and explore the US? I don't know.
    This is a question only you can answer. The very fact that you ask, tells me you should not. Get yourself established financially, and then enjoy spending what you can afford.

    One of the quotes I read a long time ago is - The hardest fall most experience is when they fall back on their own resources.

    For me, I could not enjoy a trip knowing there was nothing left to fall back on in case of emergency, or even if my trip took a different course. So much can happen during a two month period. You can spend all your savings in a hurry, and end up regretting it at your leisure.

    I'd seriously suggest you think again. Go for a shorter/cheaper trip or leave it for a while till your position in life is more secure.


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