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Thread: Random roadtrip

  1. #1

    Default Random roadtrip

    Hello, im planning a random trip starting on San antonio, Texas to anywhere on January. Any places, routes or advice you can give???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Melbourne, Australia

    Default It's in the title.

    Hi Rafael, and Welcome to the The Great American RoadTrip Forum.

    The answer to your question is in the title of your thread. Why not get hold of some good maps, peruse them and then head for the horizon, in whichever direction interests you most. Good paper maps, such as AAA and Rand McNally have a wealth of information on them.

    The other resource you would be wise to use, is the locals. Wherever you are, wherever you stop, ask the locals what their favourite attractions are. And if you are heading towards a chosen destination, ask the locals which their favourite scenic route is.

    No knowing what gems you may stumble upon. Gems which you may not find in travel book or on the internet.



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