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    Yes! We've always tried to not use electronics on our road trips. Two years ago we we took a three week vacation to Florida and we caved and bought a portable dvd player. We had a strict rule of only one movie per long travel day! I too have great memories of singing and playing games on road trips! There are so many neat things to see when you look out the window too. I've seen so many funny signs and other things because I wasn't glued to a screen! :)

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Central Missouri


    This year, AAA is offering kids' "Mini Map" with activities to complete while on the road. I just read about it in our recent AAA magazine, Westways.


  3. #13


    Yeah road trip games are really nice way to create atmosphere while driving in family road trip or RV camping. Singing Game is one of our favorite games. This game is all about connecting the lyrics from different songs. The starter will begin with a song, the following person will pick a line from that and link it with another song. The game will finish when players sing the wrong lyrics or get stumped while singing. Try on your next trip, I am sure that'll be fun :D

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