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  1. #1

    Default Maine to Ohio through New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York

    My husband and I are planning to drive from Acadia National Park in Maine back to our home in Ohio this summer. We want to take a scenic route, and we have 7 days for the drive. We're planning to enter New Hampshire via Rt. 2, then south on 16, and west on the Kancamagus Highway. We aren't sure of the best route in Vermont. In New York, we'd like to see the Thousand Islands and Niagara Falls, then we'll drive the coast of Lake Erie into Ohio. I need ideas for Vermont and the easterm portion of New York state. Also, is Lake Placid worth a visit? Thanks for your help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default Try This

    Starting in Gorham, NH where you turn south on NH-16, continue to Glen House and, if the weather is good, take the Auto Road to the top of Mount Washington, the highest peak in the northeast. Then go on down to Conway and pick up NH-112 west, the Kancamagus Highway, to Lincoln. Next head north on US-3/I-93 through Franconia Notch taking time to hike the Flume Trail. You'll also be passing by what used to be the state symbol - it's still on the license plates and the back of the state quarter - but the Old Man of the Mountain fell down several years ago. At Franconia, hook up with NH-117 west to US-302 to Barre, VT. In Barre you can tour some of the marble quarries if you like, but be sure to visit Hope Cemetery where the local marble cutters have created some of the most amazing, whimsical. and artistic gravestones you will see anywhere. Also spend some time in Montpelier where there are a couple of restaurants run by the local culinary school and is, I believe, still the only state capital without a McDonald's. From there, I-89 will take you by Waterbury (Ben and Jerry's) to Burlington and the worth-the-visit Shelbourne Farm. Take the ferry over to Port Kent and head up to Plattsburg. There pick up NY-3 through Adirondack Park to Watertown. This is as rustic a long drive as still exists in the northeastern U.S. and will bring you within visiting distance of Lake Placid. After touring the Thousand Island area take I-81 to a few miles south of Pulaski and rick up NY-104 west along the southern shore of Lake Ontario. At Rochester, you'll want to switch over to the Lake Ontario State Parkway and NY-18 the rest of the way to the Niagara area. That is how I would go at least. It should all be great.


  3. #3


    Thanks so much! This is exactly the type of help I needed to complete our plans. I love, and appreciate, the detailed route and the recommendations of interesting stops along the way. Thank you!

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