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  1. Default Travel-Texas to Oregon in Jan

    What is the best route to get from San Antonio to Texas to Portland, Oregon in January. May car does not have any special tires/4 wheel drive etc. I imagine I would take a southern route--where will I meet possible snow and will it clear in a few days? Thanks for any info.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default It's the winter

    Welcome to the RTA Forum!

    There is a chance of seeing snow no matter what way you go in January, and although the Interstates are generally cleared off pretty quickly, there is simply no way of knowing at this time exactly what you'll expect when you actually make your trip.

    If you want to stick to a southern route, the I-10 to I-5, would probably be the choice for you. There is certainly the possibility of snow in New Mexico, Arizona, and in parts of California, but the likelyhood would be relatively low. Total Mileage for this option is around 2300 miles, depending on which option you use for getting through LA.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Counter-intuitive

    Quote Originally Posted by Marilyn Syverson View Post
    What is the best route to get from San Antonio to Texas to Portland, Oregon in January.
    Midwest Michael is correct in suggesting that no one's crystal ball is any good this far in the future. But if January, 2007 is like most Januarys, you might find the best weather by going north up the eastern slope of the Rockies. Generally the heavy snow pack that smacks the plains states doesn't hit in earnest until late January to early February and it is often too dang cold to snow in January. I would watch the weather, check some of the resources we use here, and then I would take US-87 to Amarillo and US-287 to Denver and then I-25 to I-80 to I-84 to Portland.

    If you take the "southern route" I can just about guarantee you, that you will hit ice along I-10 in Texas and New Mexico, some snow in Arizona and plenty of rain in California and Oregon.

    Last edited by Mark Sedenquist; 08-17-2006 at 05:01 PM. Reason: I forgot to add the link

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