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  1. Default Cleveland to Cape Cod - I-90 or I-86? Which is fastest?

    I'm heading to Cape Cod Saturday. I got directions of Google Maps and it drew a map using I-86 (Southern Tier Expressway) across New York, and then hooking back up to I-90 for the rest rest of the ride. A total of some 720 miles or 13 hours at 55 mph.

    Yahoo maps computes a route using I-90 most of the way. A total of 693 miles and a 9 hour trip (doing 70 all the way?).

    I probably would take 90 from cleveland to cape cod but is there an advantage to taking I-86 instead (tolls, saturday traffic)?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default Map differences

    The when you get a difference in routes like this between online mapping options, its usually because the routes milages are extremely similar, but they calculate the total travel time differently. In this case, Yahoo's projection is not even close to accurate. 13 hours is about what you should expect to take for this trip no matter which option you pick.

    As far as the specific differences between the 2, I can tell you I've driven parts of both routes, but not all of either. The only major difference I can see is that the southern route is about 25 miles longer but avoids the pretty steep tolls of the Thruway.

    So, I guess to me it comes down to two things, would you rather save a few dollars or save 15 or so minutes of travel time. Pick the option that best fits your answer.

  3. Default

    Is it 60-65 down I-86? Or is it a mish mash of differing speed zones?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Western/Central Massachusetts

    Default I-86

    Having driven several routes MA-Cleveland area (I have a friend in Chesterland), these are my thoughts:

    In my experience, I-90 is the quicker route, only because the Southern Tier Expressway has yet to be completed (Elmira region is being completed - last time out there [March of this year], they were building an elevated highway section through town). Also, much of the Western part of I-86 really, REALLY needs to be repaved (really). It is also not the straightest section of road. With all of its faults, however, I do find it enjoyable, especially driving across Lake Chautauqua and into Allegany State Park region.

    To be honest, I don't remember the speed limit, but I think it follows the New York mixture of 55 and 65 mph zones. I-86 has no tolls, and there is a lot less traffic.

    And the ride up I-88 is very nice as well, both traffic-wise and scenery-wise.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Yeah, but does it really?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mass Tim
    Also, much of the Western part of I-86 really, REALLY needs to be repaved (really).
    Just so we know, you are POSITIVE it needs re-paving?

    Actually this is great local intel. I just drove a section of I-15 (in California) that was darn near dangerous only a month ago and today -- has new paving... Wonder where these highway funds came from?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Western/Central Massachusetts

    Default Pavement

    Yes, it needs a good re-covering. It may have settled down since the warm weather, but I'm not sure about that. It wouldn't be bad if it was a short section, but it seemed to go on for such a long time.

    I-90 in MA has been getting a fresh coat of asphalt for the past couple of years, and it's shaping up to be really nice in the Berkshires.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default Speed Limits

    I'm also pretty sure that both Interstates are 65 mph for most of the way, at least thats what I remember from the stretches of both roads that I have driven on.

    It's also been 2-3 years since I've been on either route, so I'm sure Tim's info is far more current and accurate than mine.

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