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  1. Default Road Trip to Arizona for 15 Days!

    Hi guys!
    Im a newbie here, so I guess I will introduce myself.
    I am Christy, married with 2 little ones. Ages 4-6. This will be our first real road trip ever. We will be going to visit family in Arizona that recently moved away. We will be leaving October 10, and leaving there October 22. We plan on taking his SUV. It is in good condition and repair, and will have a tune-up done right before we go. I'm wondering, since we will be passing through Kansas,Colorado,and New Mexico, what are some fun and cost effective things we could do while we stop for gas and or break? I would love to go site seeing, as long as it does not cost an arm and a leg....which what in this world doesin't??? lol
    Thanks for any advice any of you might have for me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default Couple Questions

    Welcome to the RTA Forum!

    Where are you starting your trip from and how much time are you planning to spending driving from that location to/from Arizona?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Western/Central Massachusetts

    Default Sightseeing Costs

    When driving through Colorado, you'll probably find that the scenery is so insanely beautiful, that you won't be able to believe there is no fee for the view.

    This is a good opportunity to go sightseeting, and it shouldn't cost a lot, even if you head into some National Parks.

    Another question to add to Michael's: what town is your destination (or a nearby metro area, anyway)?

    Also, what is your available time on the way home? Sometimes people focus only on seeing the sights when heading out to their destination, and instead neglect the opportunity to do so on the way home, and rush back.

  4. Default 14 days to play with!

    I will be spending 14 days total, for the road trip and the initial visit. Our final destination is Mesa, Arizona. I know I can't wait to see Colorado!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default Important information

    We still can't really begin to help you without knowing where this trip is starting from.

    A 14 day trip starting from St. Louis would give you a whole lot more time to see things than if you are starting your 14 day trip from Boston.

    The number of days you want to spend in the Mesa area would also be some helpful information.

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