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  1. Default help planning road trip

    me and a friend are planning on a cross country road trip. we plan on leaving in mid august from pennsylvania. we are planning on our trip going something like this:

    PA to Nebraska
    Nabraska to yellowstone
    yellowstone to san fran
    san fran to LA
    LA to Dallas
    Dallas to Houston
    Houston back to PA

    we have a 2-3 week time schedual. any seggestions or advice? we have family in nebraska, san fran, and dallas so we'd like to get to see them....

    thanks, sam and keegan

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default Basics Plus

    Welcome aboard the RoadTrip America forum.

    I hope that you have more like three weeks than two. Two weeks is barely time to cover the almost 6900 miles you have planned, with almost no time to actually see anything or spend time with family along the way. Even with three weeks, you and your friend are going to be spending an awful lot of time together in a very small space. As a first step, the two of you should sit down together and take the RoadTrip Comparability Quiz to make sure that you want the same things from the trip, or at least understand each other's goals. Secondly, in your planning, make sure that you set aside some time each day to get out of the car for some exercise. Be realistic about the daily goals you set for yourselves as to how many miles you plan to cover each day - 500 to 600 is as much as you can count on being able to do day after day for even a few days. After that it's going to get very tiring. Also, you're probably looking at least $3000 to make the trip, assuming you already have a car that's up to it and will be staying with family for part of it. You can hold this down a bit with these tips, but it's still not going to be cheap. Other than that, your basic route already hits a number of high spots, and before making any further recommendations, we should really know what kinds of things the two of you are interested in. You're going to have to make the most of the time you devote to stops, so we might as well keep suggestions to things that you'll find fun.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default Beaten to the Punch

    I was about to respond, and then saw that Buck had said almost everything I was going to say.

    I'll just add that its certainly not bad to dream big, but I would take some serious time to figure out where your dreams will meet reality here. I would seriously plot out a ballpark itinerary, just to give yourselves an idea of how much driving you'd really have to do. As Buck said, 500-600 miles per day is about the top end of what you will be able to do, and in all likelyhood, you'll probably want several days where you drive significantly less.

    Good Luck and Happy Planning!

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