I'm staying in Denver for the summer but normally live near Austin. On the trip up here I had time constraints and my plan was thrown off by multiple tornadoes in north west texas so I didn't really get to look around. I've lived in central texas since elementary school and so I know my way around there pretty well. On my trip back there is really nothing saying when I have to be somewhere at sometime. I know I will be going back in the first week or two in August and don't want to spend weeks and weeks on a road trip (maybe 5 days or so.. I have no idea). However, I would like to look around and see a bunch of cool stuff. I'm more of an out-doors person rather than museums and stuff (excluding science museums) but I'm not opposed to anything. Does anyone have any places I should visit? This is my first time in colorado and I might not be able to come back for a while. Some trips I've seen have shown going into Kansas and down through Oklahoma? I came up through Texican then the edge of New Mexico to Pueblo, CO. I'm not opposed to Kansas, and have never been there so who knows... One thing I have always wanted to see is the four corners so I'd rather stick to that direction and I'm in colorado longer. Any advice would be fantastic because I've never made a road trip and had never driven alone for more than 2 or 3 hours before coming here. Thanks and have an amazing day!