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  1. Default Georgia and the Deep South

    Hi there,
    Does anyone have any suggestions about what to see in Georgia? I'm travelling for just over a week, so I don't have a whole lot of time. Also, what's worth visiting in the surrounding states? I'm British and I live in California, and I really want to experience a part of the States that's totally different. I'm especially interested in seeing the landscape and nature, and also experiencing the Old South.
    Thanks very much!

  2. Default

    Vogel State Park- really pretty park I went to last fall in the mountains of north GA. Hike up Blood Mountain.

    Stone Mountain Park- enormous rock just outside of Atlanta with alot of Confederate history. Neat daytrip, my parents used to take me there alot when I was a kid.

    Atlanta is a cool city, if you're in GA you should check out the new aquarium.

    But generally if you're into nature I suggest you just drive around North GA.

    Highlands, NC is a cool mountain town.... Thats all I've got.

    Also, don't go out looking for the old south. If you want reenactments and history, stone moutain and the Cyclorama are best, but otherwise just go driving around and let it find you. There is alot of civil war history all over the state, I live in Decatur and just recently realized it was the site of a historic battle or something....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default Georgia

    Welcome aboard the RoadTrip America forum.

    You wouldn't be travelling with ami_boo, would you? No matter. A couple of stops in Georgia that certainly qualify as landscape and nature are Callaway Gardens southwest of Atlanta and the Cooper Creek Scenic Area in the Chattahoochee National Forest to the north. Perhaps a bit far afield from Atlanta, but two cities that practically ooze old southern charm are Savannah, GA and Charleston, SC. Hopefully those suggestions will get you started on your quest to find some things that are 'totally different' from either Britain or California.


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