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  1. Default California to Maryland

    We are planning a 3 week summer road trip starting at the end of June, from CA to Maryland then up to Niagara Falls, Michigan, and then home to CA. We want to use the I 40 to I 85 and end up in Washington D.C. stay for a couple of days, seeing Ocean City while we are there, then cruising up to Niagara Falls, through Canada and into Michigan to visit family. We'll either take the 80 back or the 70, not sure.

    We are a family of four with 2 young children, and we want to see some interesting early american historical places, county fairs, antiques, very family friendly places. We like country music, and think it would be fun to stop in Nashville, but that being said we don't know where it would be fun to go IN Nashville (or anywhere else).

    Where do you think we might want to stop along the way and spend a day sightseeing, relaxing, walking, sleeping, eating, etc.? We would love to hear any ideas, as we are flying (er driving) completely blind.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default "Pickin' on the Square"

    Quote Originally Posted by FamilySoup
    We are planning a 3 week summer road trip starting at the end of June, from CA to Maryland then up to Niagara Falls, Michigan, and then home to CA
    Welcome to the Great American RoadTrip Forum. Since you like family friendly places and music -- one place you have to go is Mountain View, Arkansas. Every night in the summer, any one who wants to goes down the town square and an impromtu music jam begins. It lasts until the last person gets sleepy. More info about "Pickin on the Square" here. Plus Mountain View is home to the Ozark Folk Center.

    There are lots of ideas here on the Forum -- look at the bottom of this page and also use the Search (up in the green navigation bar) for the states you will be in.

    Happy Planning!


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